Pod Save America

Pod Save America

Pod Save America
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Pod Save America is een Amerikaanse progressieve politieke podcast, gepresenteerd door Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett, and Daniel Pfeiffer.  De podcast begon in januari 2017, en in november waren er al meer dan 120 miljoen (!) downloads. De New York Times schreef het volgende: "with a shoestring budget and no organizational backing, its hosts seem to have created something that liberals have spent almost two decades, and hundreds of millions of dollars, futilely searching for: the left’s answer to conservative talk radio".  Onderwerpen die regelmatig aan bod komen zijn recente nieuws items gerelateerd aan politiek, met name de Democratische partij, de Trump Administration en het Amerikaanse parlement. Ook worden er regelmatig gasten ontvangen in de show, vaak zijn dit actieve of voormalige politici. De luisteraars worden regelmatig door de presentatoren geïnformeerd over verschillende manieren om te protesteren of actie te ondernemen. De meningen staan lijnrecht tegenover de manier van beleidsvoering van President Donald Trump.

Pod Save America is a progressive, political American podcast hosted by Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett, and Daniel Pfeiffer. The podcast started in January 2017 and in November, it had already reached over 120 million (!) downloads. The New York Times wrote the following: "with a shoestring budget and no organizational backing, its hosts seem to have created something that liberals have spent almost two decades, and hundreds of millions of dollars, futilely searching for: the left’s answer to conservative talk radio".  Subjects that are being discussed on a regular basis include recent news items related to politics, especially regarding the Democratic Party, the Trump Administration and the American parliament. Guest are received often, usually these people are active or former politicians. The listeners are being informed about different ways of protesting or how to take action. The opinions are the complete opposite of  President Donald Trump's policies.

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