Maz Jobrani

Maz Jobrani

Maz Jobrani
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Comedian and actor Maz Jobrani busts through cultural barriers wherever he goes, making audiences laugh from the Midwest to the Middle East. His latest standup special, "The Birds and the Bees," is now streaming on YouTube. His other specials include Netflix's "Immigrant," and three Showtime specials: "Brown and Friendly," "I Come in Peace," and "I'm Not a Terrorist, But I've Played One on TV."

As an actor, he was most recently seen playing the lovable "Fawz" on the CBS comedy Superior Donuts. He has made many appearances on television's most popular shows including Grey's Anatomy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Better Off Ted, Last Man Standing, and Shameless. He has also been a regular guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Late Late Show with James Corden.

De in Iran geboren performer Maziyar 'Maz’ Jobrani is naast zijn ontelbare rollen in films en TV-series vooral bekend van zijn deelname aan de 'Axis of Evil’ tour. In een tijd dat oost en west elkaar niet echt lijken te begrijpen, brachten vier van oorsprong Arabische comedians een show waarin zij korte metten maakten met de vooroordelen. Via Comedy Central wist het gezelschap waar Jobrani deel van uitmaakte in hoog tempo naam te maken bij een groot publiek. Met zijn internationale comedy tour hoopt Jobrani het Midden-Oosten en het Westen een stuk dichter bij elkaar te brengen. Vooroordelen en misverstanden over het Midden-Oosten, religie en stereotypen die ons denken dagelijks beïnvloeden staan centraal in zijn shows.

Born in Iran, performer Maziyar 'Maz' Jobrani is known because of his countless parts in films and television shows but mainly because of his participation in the 'Axis of Evil' tour. In the period of time that East and West did not seem to understand each other, four Arabic comedians performed a show in which they got rid of prejudice. The group, where Jobrani was part of, quickly made a name for themselves to a large audience through Comedy Central. With his international comedy tour, Jobrani hopes to bring the Middle East and West closer together. Prejudice and misunderstandings about the Middle East, religion and stereotypes that influence our thoughts on a daily basis are the core of his shows.

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